Photo Gallery
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Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
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Fr. Pehanich blessed new chalice covers gifted by Lilas in memory of her parents.
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Fr. Pehanich recognized Rachel Hetzler on her recent graduation from WVU with a Bachelor of Science Degree in dental hygiene. She received a cross charm from Fr. Ed. Congratulations Sarah!
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Fr. Pehanich provided a blessing to Dan and Donna Timko for their recent 60th wedding anniversary! Many blessings to the Timkos.
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Palm Sunday with the blessing and distribution of pussywillow branches and a breakfast provided by the Ladies Guild.
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The Miraculous Myrrh - streaming icon - was brought to St. Nicholas by Fr. Mark Leisure from St. George Orthodox Church.
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St. Nicholas hosted visiting Fr. Stephen Gresh from Holy Resurrection in Belle Vernon and Deacon Robert Rostcheck from St. Marys in Monongahela for Presanctified Liturgy. Following Liturgy, a light Lent ...
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The annual chiii cook-off was held with great chili selections. The winner was Jodi Lomago - Congratulations!!
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On1/18, the Compline and Great Blessing of Water took place after a Great Supper provided by church members.
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Christmas Eve and Christmas Day of 2024. Choir sang carols for Christmas Eve.
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The Church members decorated and put up the tree in preparation for Christmas.
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Members of the choir sing to bring St. Nicholas to church to visit with the children after a dinner prepared by the Ladies Guild.
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The Ladies Guild sponsored a backpack project for children at Penn Highlands Mon Valley Hospital under the Jared Project. Children who are in the ER or receiving treatments will receive one of the 48 ...
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On December 3, 2023, Yvonne Donate was received into the Orthodox Faith through the Sacrament of Holy Chrismation.
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The Ladies Guild held a tea with their meeting hosted by Christine Somales.
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On August 18th, The Vesperal Divine Liturgy - Blessing of Fruit was held.
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On August 13th, Fr. Edward Pehanich and Fr. Matthew Moriak blessed the students before starting the new school year.
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On August 6th, Fr. Pehanich conducted the blessing of cars in conjunction with the Feast of the Prophet Elias.
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The first church exchange took place on June 25, 2023, where Fr. Pehanich and Fr. Zak exchanged churches. Fr. Zak served Liturgy at St. Nicholas in Monongahela and Fr. Pehanich at St. Nicholas in Homestead ...
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On May 29th, Fr. Pehanich and members of the church blessed the graves at Monongahela Cemetery.
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On May 28th, Fr. Pehanich presented Lauren Lomago with a Bible for graduating from high school. She will be attending St. Francis University to pursue a career as a Physician's Assistant. Wishing Lauren ...
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Good Friday Vespers and Procession of the Holy Shroud. Vigil at the Tomb reading the Psalms.
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Palm Sunday procession and blessing of willows. Blessing of the Risen of Christ icon to be used in the Tomb of the Lord.
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Christos Razdajetsja! Slavite Jeho! Christ is Born ! Glorify Him!
Christmas Eve Great Compline and Matins - January 6, 2023
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New icon of Christ and His Saints by iconographer Michael Kapeluck of Carnegie, Pa. was installed on the back wall of our church. The Saints depicted, left to right are: Elder Ephraim of Arizona, St. ...
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On December 18th, St. Nicholas came to visit and present the children with stockings.
The Ladies Guild prepared and served a delicious luncheon.
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On August 28th, was the Feast of the
Dormition of the Theotokos. Flowers
were blessed and the students were blessed before they begin their academic year.
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The ladies guild participated in the Ralroad Street Festival for July 4th.
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On June 19th, graduating students were recognized by Fr Pehanich. The high school graduates, Deven and Nathan Lomago, were presented with a Bible and Irene Pehanich, who graduated Magna Cum Laude with ...
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Bible Study students learning about the Rite of Proskomedia of the Divine Liturgy with Fr. Pehanich
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The children participated in the procession of icons in
celebration of the Sunday of Orthodoxy.
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Vigil Sere Theophany of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ at St. Nicholas Orthodox Churchvice for th
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Christos Razdajetsja! Slavite Jeho!
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Merry Christmas!
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St. Nicholas visited the children and the Ladies Guild provided dinner on 12/19/21.
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On November 14th, Seminarians Dylan Kelemecz, Nicholas Woroby and Aydin Zill visited. The sermon was presented by Seminarian Dylan Kelemecz.
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Fr. Pehanich joined fellow Orthodox Clergy on August 1, 2021 to bless the Monongahela River.
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Fr. Pehanich blessed cars following the Divine Liturgy on August 1, 2021. The
blessing is in conjunction with the Feast
of the Prophet Elias (Aug.2) who did not
die but ascended to heaven in a fiery
chariot. ...
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Fr. Pehanich recognized Sarah Henzler and Ashlee Selembo for graduating this May. Sarah graduated from Indiana University of PA and will be provided with a Sarah icon. Ashlee graduated from Ringgold ...
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Holy Saturday Candlelight Procession, Resurrection Matins and Blessing of Paschal Food. Christ is Risen!
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Palm Sunday - Great Feast of the Entry of our Lord into Jerusalem
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Fr. Pehanich, alter boys and children participated in the Icon Procession on March 21, 2021
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On June 28th, Fr. Pehanich presented our high school graduates, Rachel Hetzler and Lauren Temoshenka, with a Bible for them to take to college. Rachel will be studying Dental Hygience at West Virginia ...
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The Sunday School students participated in three Easter projects: Making Icons and having them blessed by Fr. Pehanich; making Easter bunnies from socks; and filling Easter eggs to send to soldiers overseas ...
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Nativity and Theophany Services at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church. Theophany Dinner and Blessing of the Holy Water.
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On July 7, 2019, Fr. Pehanich blessed the church's newest icon - Our Lady of the Sign.
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Christmas Eve and Christmas Services at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church